Thursday, September 20, 2012

"Books are pretty heavy, but their worth it."

This quote was said in class, kind of as a joke. They are big, take up space, and can literally weigh you down. The cause of this.. Information.

When used in class it did seem pretty funny. Well duh it's a book, it's going to have some weight. But if you look at this quote you can gather a pretty big concept. Books are heavy with information. In our digital age everything is going online or in "e" form. We have kindles, nooks, and ipads to hold information. Many times people don't even get books and just look up any information they need from google.

This is when we need to remember the importance of books especially when it comes to research. Research books are, for the most part, written by people who have studied a particular field and are qualified to teach it. They are loaded with reliable facts. You can get a lot out of them, A lot of truth.

If we search everything online it get's hard to differenciate between whats fact and whats fiction. It's hard to tell what websites are credible and which have just been thrown together. If all of our books go digital, they will eventually get mixed in with the rest of the internet. They would then become apart of the fact or fiction debate. Reliable or not? This is why books are so important. They have to go through the stages of getting published and making sure the information is credible. We can almsot alway rely on the authenticity of a book compared to what we find on the internet, not saying its helpful, but a book is almost always the way to go.

So while books might be heavy, they are totally worth it.

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